
First Nations have the inherent right to govern their lands and resources. First Nation’s Land Governance Offices were created to manage the First Nation’s lands. For the purposes of these materials, Land Governance refers to the day-to-day activities of administering, managing and governing reserve lands and any land or Interest acquired by the Nation, whether by land claim, purchase or other process.

The authority of the Nation to govern its land and resources flows from its inherent right of self-government and its rights, including Aboriginal rights and title.

The purpose of the Lands Office is to set out the principles and legislative and administrative structures that apply to the Nation’s Land and through which the Nation exercises its authority over those lands.

Duties include the development, conservation, protection, management, use and possession of the Nation’s Land, in addition to:

  • zoning and land use planning;
  • economic development;
  • regulation, control, authorization and prohibition of residency, access and the occupation and development of land;
  • creation, regulation and prohibition of Interests and Licenses;
  • environmental assessment and protection;
  • the conduct of surveys;
  • setting aside, protection and regulation of parks, parklands, and recreational lands;
  • setting aside, protection and regulation of heritage sites, cultural sites, traditional sites, spiritual sites and wildlife refuges;
  • setting aside of lands for community purposes or works;
  • hunting, fishing, management and protection of fish, wildlife and their habitat on the Nation’s Land;
  • archaeological assessment and protection of archaeological and cultural resources;
  • assisting Members and the Council in the exchange of information in relation to the Nation’s Land issues;
  • assisting members with residential and rural lot development

Forms and Documents

Lands – Contacts

Mary Doyle
Lands Manager
(236) 364-2012
 Ext. 2039
Jenine Campbell-Cove
Lands Officer
(236) 364-2012
 Ext. 1129
Lands Planner (2024)
Lands Administrator (2024)
Bylaws Development & Enforcement Officer (2025)
Duane Cameron
 Ext. 2085
Seasonal Farmhand (2024)